Broadmead Lower School

Belonging, Learning, Succeeding

Park Crescent, Bedford, Bedfordshire MK43 9NN

Tel: 01234 768318


World Book Day 2025

Wow amazing costumes - we all enjoyed loosing ourselves in a book today!

Learning in Early Years November 2024

This week, Pandas and Puffins have been learning about Diwali. The children learnt how and why Diwali is celebrated. The children got the create Rangoli patterns in sand and with chalk. They also made their own diva lamps. Take a look at our fantastic work!

St Albans Trip 6th November 2024

On Wednesday, our Year 3 children visited St Albans and explored the Roman remains of
Verulamium. Whilst there, the children took part in a Roman market workshop and experienced
what life would have been like in Roman Britain.

Sports Day 2024

Well done to all of our winners and to everyone who took part. We had two fantastic afternoons - a big thank-you to everyone for all of your help and support. Together we make a fantastic Broadmead team!


Year 4 Trip to Holdenby House

Our Year 4 children were evacuated to Holdenby House as part of their
topic on World War II. Whilst there, they learnt all about rationing and tried their
hand at some war time cooking. Afterwards, they learnt about different air raid
shelters and sirens, first aid and had a go at some make do and mend.

Residential 2024!

It may have rained for our last 24 hours - but we still had an amazing time! The children were brilliant - we were so proud of them all.



Year 4 Trip to Herrings Green Farm


Red Nose Day 2024

World Book Day 2024

Faith Tour 2024

Our Year 4 children took part in the Queen's Park Faith Tour. They visited a Gurdwara, a Mosque and a Church. 

London's Burning!

Year 2 burned their Tudor houses in a re-enactment of the beginning of The Great Fire of London. The children were a bag of mixed emotions about burning their houses but were able to recall many facts about this historic event. They went on to write great recounts of the morning. Good work Yr2!



Sports Day 2023

Well done everyone, Sports day 2023 was another huge success. The children displayed their great athletic skills along with our sporting values. 




Year 4 Visit to Holdenby House

As part of their topic on World War II, our Year 4 children were evacuated to Holdenby House. Whilst they were there they took part in some make do and mend, some wartime cookery, some first aid and learnt what it would be like during an air raid. 


Year 4 Residential 2023

Our Year 4 children had a fantastic time at Caldecotte Lake on their two night residential. They took part in crate stacking, climbing, archery, sailing, canoeing, stand up paddle boarding and zorbing.  


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Sherlock Holmes and Cinderella

Our Key Stage 2 children have performed brilliantly in their Spring Production Sherlock Holmes and Cinderella. The acting was superb, and the singing was amazing, especially the solos. A big thank-you to our wonderful parents for providing such fabulous costumes. 



Science Week 2023 Competition Winners

A big well done to everyone who entered our Science Week Poster Competiton. The standard of entries was very high which made  choosing the winners very difficult. 


Science Week 2023

We enjoyed a fun week of science activities, we even buried pants and all children had a workshop with Sublime Science! 


Baby Chicks in Year 1

All 11 eggs have hatched, and the baby chicks are growing. The chicks are providing lots of inspiration for work in Maths, Science and English. 


Quidditch Day March 2023

Well done to our Slytherins who were our overall winners


World Book Day 2023



Cook School 2023

Our Year 3 children are enjoying ten weeks of Cook School. Their sour dough rolls were delicious! 


Faith Tour 2023

Our Year 4 children visited Queen's Park where they explored a Mosque, a Gurdwara and a Church. 



Year 4 Egyptian Artefact Display of Learning 2023


Holdenby House

Our Year 4 children were evacuated to Holdenby House as part of their World War II topic We'll Meet Again. They learnt all about wartime cooking and rationing, and even took part in some make do and mend. 


Platinum Jubilee Celebrations


Residential 2022

We all had a fabulous time, paddle boarding, sailing, canoeing, climbing, zorbing, crate stacking and  having a go at archery. Well done Year 4s we were very proud of you all - you were amazing!

World Book Day 2022

The children looked amazing as we celebrated 25 years of World Book Day. A big thank-you to our wonderful parents for providing such fabulous costumes. 


Year 3 and 4 Ukes and Djembes Concert Video.

To watch our K.S 2 music video please click here,


Year 2 Beach party

Tigers had a fabulous time at their end of topic WOW Beach Party. Luckily, it wasn’t too hot and fun was had by all. Some of the children couldn’t help but get totally drenched while others escaped even a drop. We even enjoyed an ice lolly!


Year 3 Take Home Tasks

Thank-you for the amazing take home tasks. They all look fabulous!

Mad Hair Day 2021

Thank-you for you donations to the charity Making Me. You all looked so colourful and creative!


World Book Day 2021

Another amazing World Book Day!  Everyone looked fabulous in their costumes.  A big thank-you to our wonderful parents for supporting us with such fantastic costumes 


Elf Day

We had a video message from an elf - who then gave every child in the school a book as a present to take home!


To see the message please click here.   





Christmas Dinner

 Yum, yum, yum - everyone enjoyed their Christmas dinner, even the sprouts were delicious! Who wants seconds? 

Roman Day


Take Home Tasks from Elephants


Our Year 4 Leavers' Celebration

More Lockdown Learning at Home


Learning in School 

Our 'bubbles' have been very busy at school!

Learning in School


V.E. Day


How we celebrated V.E. Day in Lock Down!


Home Learning During Lock Down

So many fabulous activities have taken place whilst school has been closed. Thank-you for all of your wonderful photographs. 


Share a Million Stories

As part of World Book Day we have taken part in the Share a Million Stories theme and children have been sharing stories with children from different classes. 


World Book Day 2020


Another amazing World Book Day!  Everyone looked fabulous in their costumes.  A big thank-you to our wonderful parents for supporting us with such fantastic costumes and to Mrs Goodall for arranging everything.

Tree Planting with the Forest of Marston Vale.

Well done Broadmead you worked hard and altogether you planted 150 trees!


Children in Need 2019

We had a very special visitor at our school today.  Thank-you everyone for your support in raising money for this amazing charity. 



Odd Sock Day 2019

To celebrate our differences and our individuality we took part in Odd Sock Day. 

Adventure Games County Finals!

We were proud to have been chosen by Redborne Sports Partnership to represent them in the Adventure Games County Final. The ten chosen children took part in a range of activities from shooting, to archery, to sling slot, to rock climbing, to even an obstacle course! The children demonstrated many of our sporting values there and were awarded a prize for being the team to show the greatest ‘Self Belief’.