Early Years
Pandas and Puffins
Statement of Intent
At Broadmead Lower School we believe that all children deserve an education rich in wonder and memorable experiences that allows children's natural creativity and curiosity to flourish, alongside the purposeful acquisition of skills and knowledge. We believe that an education that does all of this gives children the best chance to become well-rounded, happy individuals, ready to succeed in an ever-changing world.
At Broadmead we recognise the importance of giving our children the best possible start to their education by planning and implementing teaching and learning opportunities that supports them in reaching their full potential. We know that our children enter Reception class with varied life experiences and we aim to plan teaching and learning opportunities accordingly to address this.
Our intention is to encourage our children to:
Be Curious, Be Knowledgeable, Be Adventurous, Be Creative, Be Collaborative, Be Reflective, Be Positive.
We aim to build resilience and encourage a positive mindset amongst our children as it is often through mistakes we learn the most.
The Development Matters document along with the Foundation Stage Early Learning Goals set out end of reception year expectations for children by the end of the Foundation Stage. At Broadmead we recognise the crucial role that Early Year’s educators, in partnership with parents and carers, have to play in providing firm foundations upon which the rest of a child’s education is successfully based.
We aim to provide children, with a well-structured, safe, active learning environment both indoors and outdoors. This will enable them to develop the skills, attitudes and understanding that will form the basis of lifelong learning and encourage them to become useful, active members of a diverse and constantly changing society.
The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum guides children’s learning from 0-5 years old.
The curriculum is organised into seven areas of learning. The three prime areas of learning are: Communication & Language, Personal & Social and Physical Development.
There are four specific areas of learning: Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design.
The characteristics of effective learning are: Playing and Exploring, Active Learning and Creating & Thinking critically.